Record Megabucks Jackpot Hit

In case you were planning your trip to Las Vegas this coming weekend to try your luck at the record Megabucks jackpot, we're sorry to inform you it's too late. The record $10,918,881 progressive jackpot was hit Wednesday (October 18, 1995) night around 11:15pm at the Gold Coast Casino in Las Vegas.

The winner was a 29 year old University of Nevada - Las Vegas college student whose name has not been released. He is apparently shunning any and all publicity and has repeatedly refused to have his picture taken and asked IGT, the sponsor of Megabucks, not to release his name. He only played $10-15 while waiting to be called for his restaurant waiting- list reservations.

Rumors circulated soon after the jackpot was won, that the winner was indeed only 19 and thus not entitled by law to the prize. This rumor has since been dispelled by IGT as totally unfounded as they have validated his identification and age. "He is merely very shy" they report.

The previous Megabucks record win was on May 30, 1992 with a value of $9,346,876. The jackpot will be paid in equal annual installments of about $450,000 a year over the next 25 years. The first check has reportedly already been delivered.

If you're still coming this weekend anyway, it's won't be a complete loss, the Megabucks Progressive, as always, has been reset to $5 million to start a new run-up.

If your Las Vegas hotel, casino, restaurant or establishment has new major construction, public activities (sorry, slot tournaments and bingo night don't count) or other interesting tidbits to offer, send them to us on company letterhead and if we think LVLG readers will be amazed, astounded, or even slightly interested we'll publish it. Make sure to send LOTS of pictures! We love pictures!

Las Vegas News

Created by PCAP; © Copyright 1995

Last Updated: Oct 24, 1995