Caesars Magical Empire 9/1/95 Press Release

September 1, 1995: Phil Cooper, Vice President of Public Relations and Advertising at Caesars Palace released the following teaser information about the forthcoming Magical Empire:

Caesars Magical Empire - under construction now near The Palatium buffet and the Race Book, scheduled to open the the public March 1, 1996. (Opening date newly changed as of Oct 8, 1995; Prior announced opening date was Feb 1, 1996)!

AN ORDINARY DINNER THEATRE? Is The Forum Shops an ordinary mall? SO WHAT IS IT? IT'S:

It's a three-hour "up close and personal" encounter with mysterious and delightful arts in a hightech, elaborately themed, multi-chambered wonderland, designed for visitors age 12 and older. One price will include lunch or dinner, entertainment in the two theatres and the entire Magical Empire experience. Caesars Magical Empire will operate continuously from early luncheon through late dinner hours. Look for ticket prices and sales information in upcoming months.

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Last Updated: October 9, 1995